We Are America!

We Are America!

In this difficult era where the entire world is victim of the worst pandemic in our story, it’s time that the 35 countries of Las Americas go to the table – not just to discuss the collective actions to take against the covid19 like the free access to a secure vaccine – but to strengthen the friendship between the nations in order to attend the main common problems that we’re facing in the American Continent: loss of jobs, fall of tourism and economy, extreme poverty and hunger, the fight for the minority’s rights, difficulties to guarantee healthcare, climate change, combat against corruption and crime, irregular migration and borders security, but most important prevent foreign interference in our region best interests. These issues are stopping our nations’ efforts to reach the sustainable development goals which is why the next Summit of Las Americas should prioritize those as its primary agenda topics.

The American Continent is a multicultural region builded from the efforts and sacrifices of many people that believes in a bright future for their nations – and of course, for a great life quality to the current and next generations – but that dreamed future can’t be reached alone, distanced or by taking separate ways; the past and today’s experiences tell us that the countries needs a closer cooperation and collective efforts to help each other to reach development.

Without ignoring that not all the 35 countries of Las Americas are in good terms today, I believe that they should open a negotiation channel to throw away differences and walk together through the path of friendship; that would be the first step to begin the construction – not just to a stronger American Continent – but for a more united one.

In our region we have many integration systems that works for specifics topics and issues that are commonly in all our nations. For example, the Organization of American States is focused on protecting and strengthening democracy; The Latin American States Community and The America’s Summit are political spaces where the nations works for development seeking solutions and tools to achieve the SDG’s. We don’t have an authentic and more compromised integration system that allows to take strong and binding decision collectively.

Many experts says that it’s impossible to achieve more strong and closer relations between the countries of Las Americas than the current ones; my response to them is that if the European countries found a way to restore peace and to build the most successful regional integration system – like the European Union – so the American Continent can too, It’s just a task to believe in a high cooperation level – and of course to work for it. That next cooperation level that our Continent needs is one equal or nearly-equal to the European Union; one based on a same coin, a stronger and more formal trade, the exchange of information, and a united traveling space by one single passport – with the migration restrictions/requirements that particular nations may need.  

For me the authentic meaning of globalization is: “Connecting separated nations for a united world” – that’s why I’m proposing to stop the tensions between the nations of our Continent and hardly-work together to build the American Union – the people of our nations deserves more safety, health, education and development.

We Can Make It!
